This gallery contains 8 photos.
Tag Archives: Berenice Mielas Kupidonas
Berenice Mielas Kupidonas
Speciality show (CAC) for sighthounds
International Lure Coursing Competition (CACIL) and national competition for breeds not eligible for CACIL
National Lure Coursing Competition (CACL) and Derby-2016 title competition
Date of birth: 11.10.2012
Dog sex: female
Coat color: isabella
Titles: LV CH, LT CH, EST CH, BALTIC CH, LC LV CH, LC EST CH, LC LT CH, LC Lv Win'15 '16 '17 '18 '19' 20' , LC Club Win'15 '16' 19' 20',LC Artemidas Cup'19, LC LV VCH, LC LT VCH.
Dog sex: female
Coat color: isabella
Titles: LV CH, LT CH, EST CH, BALTIC CH, LC LV CH, LC EST CH, LC LT CH, LC Lv Win'15 '16 '17 '18 '19' 20' , LC Club Win'15 '16' 19' 20',LC Artemidas Cup'19, LC LV VCH, LC LT VCH.
Mother: Rosetta Brunella Loredani